Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just something for you to look at.........

Hi my name is Jimmy, I am a Junior at RIC in the Physical Education/Health program, but I am transfering into the History program. I feel like this year is gonna be long, with so many classes and so much to do this year It is gonna be tough. So far though my year has been going good and I am looking forward to finishing my classes this year.

Right now I work part-time at Shaws Supermarket, but hope to go into a new career very, very soon. I am a huge baseball fan, I live to play, and with that I am a one of the biggest Red Sox fans alive. I love playing other sports as well such as frisbee, football, and the occasional bowling. I love just hanging out, going to parks, or even the beach and hanging out with my friends. Having said that I hope this year will be a good one.


  1. Hi Jimmy,

    Thanks for such a great introduction. Brings up a question: What motivated your switch to history from PE? With your love of baseball...

    From another avid Red Sox fan,
    Dr. August

  2. Hi Jimmy,

    I'm getting a bit concerned that you haven't posted yet in response to the SL prompts. I think this needs to move up a bit on your list of priorities.

    Looking forward to your observations,
    Dr. August
